散尾葵 | Bamboo Palm

$ 527.80$ 846.30

✅可室內 ✅淨化空氣 ✅北歐風 ✅種植新手


貨號: HP0004 分類:





  • 還有散尾葵的病蟲害需要進行防治,這一點我們可以再澆水的時候用辣椒水來澆水都能起到防止的作用。


Plant Care

Light : Sanwei Kwai does not like too strong light, and it needs to be placed in a place without direct sunlight when breeding. In summer, you need to take some measures to help it avoid direct sunlight. However, if it is placed in a dark place for a long time, it will not grow normally, so the best way is to put it in a brightly lit place indoors.

Water : In the hot summer, Sanwei sunflower has many leaves and evaporates a lot of water. You can cut off some leaves that grow too high to reduce heat dissipation. Spray the leaves to make the leaves open. Watering should wait for the soil to dry out before watering, once watered thoroughly. In winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced, but it should not be too dry, otherwise it will be dried out.

Fertilization : Generally, liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied once every 1-2 weeks to promote vigorous growth, and the leaves are dark green. Appropriate topdressing nitrogen-containing organic fertilizers in summer, and organic flower fertilizers in winter.

  • There are also diseases and insect pests of Sanwei sunflower that need to be controlled. We can use pepper water to prevent this when watering.

***Please note that each plant is unique, please accept the differences in color and shape, and appreciate the unique differences in each potted plant, it will become your unique plant.

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花盆類別 | Pot Category

啡色膠盆 Rubber Pot, 水泥花盆 Cement Pot

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