琴葉榕 | Fiddle-Leaf Fig

$ 61.88$ 664.30

✅可室內 ✅淨化空氣 ✅風水植物 ✅北歐風 ✅種植新手


貨號: HP0002 分類:


:琴葉榕喜歡有充足散射光線的環境,在居家空間中陽台是最好的位置,其次是室內的窗邊,若有葉片低垂無生氣的樣子通常代表缺光了。如果妳的琴葉榕是在露天環境種植,日照過強可能會導致葉片灼傷,雖不至於嚴重影響其健康,但翠綠的葉片就會變得比較淺色。最佳的光照環境為每天 2-4小時的直射光。


施肥:基礎肥料可定期施加,每3-5 個月施肥一次。每年天氣溫暖時即是琴葉榕的生長季節,此時可定期施用液態肥作為追肥,葉片會長得更多更大。

  • 寬大的葉片容易累積塵,長久下來不但阻礙光合作用,還可能會容易有病蟲害!建議可定期用濕抹布或濕紙巾幫她的葉面及葉背做擦拭。平時需注意葉片若有蜘蛛絲結網的現象,或是葉子顏色變淺、上面有白點的情況,則可能是感染蟲害了,若症狀輕微,可先用軟毛牙刷沾水將蟲害部位刷乾淨,並擺放到通風及採光良好處養護。琴葉榕對於通風的需求甚高,如擺放在室內環境建議要多開窗。


Plant Care

Light: Ficus qinye likes an environment with sufficient scattered light. In the home space, the balcony is the best location, followed by the indoor window. If the leaves are drooping and lifeless, it usually means lack of light. If your fig is planted in the open air, too much sunlight may cause leaf burn, although it will not seriously affect its health, but the emerald green leaves will become lighter in color. The best lighting environment is 2-4 hours of direct light per day.

Water: Ficus is usually watered about once a week, and the watering cycle can be extended in winter, but please note that the watering frequency is not fixed! In principle, “water only when the surface of the soil is two knuckles deep and dry”. If the soil is still wet when watering, please delay watering. Properly keeping the soil dry between waterings gives the roots a chance to breathe and avoids root rot.

Fertilization: Basic fertilizers can be applied regularly, fertilizing once every 3-5 months. Every year when the weather is warm, it is the growing season of Ficus lynya. At this time, liquid fertilizer can be applied regularly as top dressing, and the leaves will grow more and bigger.

  • The wide leaves are easy to accumulate dust, which not only hinders photosynthesis in the long run, but may also be prone to diseases and insect pests! It is recommended to wipe her leaf surface and leaf back regularly with a damp rag or wet paper towel. At ordinary times, it is necessary to pay attention to the phenomenon of spider webs on the leaves, or the color of the leaves becomes lighter and there are white spots on them, it may be infected with insects. If the symptoms are mild, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in water to clean the insect-infested parts first. , and placed in a well-ventilated and well-lit place for conservation. Qinyerong has a high demand for ventilation. If it is placed in an indoor environment, it is recommended to open more windows.

***Please note that each plant is unique, please accept the differences in color and shape, and appreciate the unique differences in each potted plant, it will become your unique plant.

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花盆類別 | Pot Category

啡色膠盆 Rubber Pot, 水泥花盆 Cement Pot

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