天堂鳥 | Bird of Paradise

$ 436.80$ 891.80

✅可室內 ✅淨化空氣 ✅大型葉子 ✅北歐風 ✅種植新手


貨號: HP0001 分類:


光:天堂鳥對光照的要求並不算高,不論是直射光或是散射光都能讓它順利生長,但在充足的光照環境能夠讓天堂鳥生長得更快、更  茁壯,因此對天堂鳥而言,最佳的光照環境為每天至少 4~6 小時的直射光。


施肥:天堂鳥的生長速度比較快,因此需要較多的養分才能確保長得健康、長得漂亮,因此建議可以在生長期時 3 個月施肥一次,讓天堂鳥獲得足夠的生長所需營養。

  • 由於天堂鳥的葉子普遍都很大片,因此發生葉片破裂的情況也是非常常見的,葉片的裂縫有助於分散外力影響,讓它們在野外更禁得起風吹雨打,讓葉柄更不容易受損或折斷。此外,由於天堂鳥的葉面較大,比起其他植物而言更容易累積灰塵,若灰塵積累太多可能會影響葉片呼吸及接觸陽光,因此需要定期清除天堂鳥葉片上的灰塵。 *植物可能會因環境轉換而出現葉片出現變差的情況,屬正常現象,有合適護理的話很快會慢慢回復。


Plant Care

Light: Birds of Paradise do not have high requirements for light. Whether it is direct light or scattered light, it can grow smoothly, but in a sufficient light environment, birds of paradise can grow faster and stronger. For plants, the best lighting environment is at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Water: Birds of Paradise also need a lot of water, so when judging whether watering is needed, it is not necessary to wait until the pot soil is completely dry and the weight becomes lighter. Watering can be done when the surface soil is dry. Water the whole pot of soil thoroughly, and also ensure that the container has good drainage, so as to prevent the soil from containing too much water for a long time, and the roots will get sick or even die because they are soaked in water for a long time. * Excess water on the chassis needs to be cleaned to avoid breeding mosquitoes.

Fertilization: The bird of paradise grows faster, so it needs more nutrients to ensure healthy and beautiful growth. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize once every 3 months during the growth period, so that the bird of paradise can get enough nutrients for growth.

  • Because the leaves of the bird of paradise are generally large, it is also very common for the leaves to break. The cracks in the leaves help to disperse the impact of external forces, making them more resistant to wind and rain in the wild, and making the petioles less likely to be damaged or broken. . In addition, because the bird of paradise has a larger leaf surface, it is easier to accumulate dust than other plants. If the dust accumulates too much, it may affect the respiration of the leaves and exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly remove the dust on the leaves of the bird of paradise. *Plants may experience deterioration of leaves due to environmental changes, which is a normal phenomenon, and will recover quickly with proper care.

***Please note that each plant is unique, please accept the differences in color and shape, and appreciate the unique differences in each potted plant, it will become your unique plant.


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啡色膠盆 Rubber Pot, 水泥花盆 Cement Pot

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